

System requirement



General Information

This documentation attend to explain
  1. How to intall/run this package ?
  2. How to use it. ?
  3. What does the package contains ?
It's about genetic data processing...
The test sample is "Corn F2 population"


mcqtl.tgz for Linux and Solaris

System Requierement

The archive contains pre-compiled programs for Linux and Solaris.
Also the following libraries must be on your system : More than 55 Meg of RAM to run the demo on the "dial sample".


How to intall/run this package
  1. First you must make sure that your architecture is a Linux box
  2. then unpack the archive ( gunzip mcqtl.tgz && tar -xvf mcqtl.tar )
  3. Try the demo by placing in the application directory (cd mcqtl)
  4. Process on the demonstration exemple (./
  5. And wait (things happends to those who wait).
  6. the file data/dial.out is the result
  7. you can visualisate it with a graphical tool such as Gnuplot

How to use it.
You can use this processing on your data.
All you need is MapMaker datafiles (file.gen,, file.phen)

Files Contents :
Last modified: Tue Nov 23 18:52:42 CET 1999