13 tales of cadaverous cavorting inside the spookshow international
- Call of the Zombie [0:30]
- Super Beast [3:40]
- Dragula [3:42]
- Living Dead Girl [3:21]
- Preversion 99 [1:43]
- Demonoid Phenomenon [4:11]
- Spookshow Baby [3:36]
- How to Make a Monster [1:38]
- Meet the Creeper [3:13]
- The Ballad of Resurrection Joe and Rosa Whore [3:55]
- What Lurks on Channel X [2:29]
- Return of the Phantom Strangler [4:31]
- The Beginning of the End [1:52]
Buy this cd online at
Guitar tabs
Real WZ fan will be a bit disapointed of this Album as a 1st opus of RZ solo
carrier it is far less metal that WZ but much more weird and full
of electronic noises. Anyway the vocals are quite the same as on WZ records.
Best tracks are IMHO : leaving dead girl, spookshow baby, meet the creaper
and dragula.
Work on the
Zombie's solo debut album "Hellbilly Deluxe"
began in August of 1997
and was completed 10 months later.
finally released on Aug 25 1998.
It was recorded at The Chop Shop, Hollywood, California
It sold more copies
in its first week of release than any White Zombie record before it.
Released as :
- "Hellbilly Deluxe" (CD) GEFD-25212, Geffen Records
- "Hellbilly Deluxe (Clean)" GEFD-25305, Geffen Records
- "Hellbilly Deluxe" 2005
The name came form a joke on a Dwight Yoakam CD
that came out about ten years ago, called "Hillbilly Deluxe."
Goof : Creature Core credits goes to Met the creeper and
"Wish it away" was a song but rob didnt finish it
There is at least one bootleg of the tour :
Live at Ozzfest Holmdel (1999)
The album boasts a deluxe 24-page booklet.
"It’s a welcome relief from the less-is-more school of thought,"
Zombie opines. "I grew up in the heyday of cool record packaging. I would stare at the record for hours. Now, you open a record and you get nothing. I always feel cheated."
Basil Gogos
(The misfits artist and guy who paints the C. Ghost)
made the painting for Rob Zombie's new album
- just like American Psycho (the recto side)
1313 is also the address of the Munsters.1313 Mockinbird lane....probably where Rob got it since he's a Munsters fan.
Also Gene Colan of marvel comics, and Daniel Brereton made some drawing
for the inside booklet.
The robot on the back of "Hellbilly Deluxe" cd is from the
1939 Universal serial "The Phantom Creeps" which starred Bela Lugosi..
Obviously, it's not the original,
Wayne Toth (who also did the FX for House Of 1,000 Corpses) made it for him
to exacting specifications.
And tell me what are thoses signs, before last page there is purple devil
and thère are signs in the background .
The clean version of the album hasnt
the pentagram on the right (and no rosa whore) ... TBC
The band is composed of :
- Vocals : Rob Zombie (White Zombie)
- Guitar : Riggs
- Bass - Blasko
(who was recruited by riggs Tell me more on him ) .
- Drums : John Tempesta (White Zombie, Testament)
- ... and Charles Clouser as synth programmer ...
- Producer : RZ + Scott Humphrey (Metallica, Mötley Crew)
Credits :
- Lyrics - Rob Zombie
- Music - Rob Zombie
Scott Humphrey
- Originally Produced By - Rob Zombie
Scott Humphrey
- Additional drums / Guest Appearances : Tommy Lee (Motley Crue) (#9 , #10)
- Additional guitars / Danny Lohner (Nine Inch Nails)
- Additional Engineering on Tracks 6 & 9 By -
Frank Gryner
Additional Stats:
- All Illustrations By - Rob Zombie
- Photos By - Chapman Baehler
Rob Zombie
- Live Photos By - Mark Weiss
Gene Kirkland
Joe Giron
- American Girl - Sheri Kitty Moon
- Art Direction & Design By - Rob Zombie
Nika/Lucky Ninja
House of Graphics
- Management By - Andy Gould
Jodie Wilson
For AGM Worldwide
- A&R - Tom Whalley
- Booking - John Dittmar
Pinnacle Entertainment
- Legal - Jeffrey Light
- Business - Scott Adair
Thanks to - Gary Richards,
Liza Joseph, Brent Thomas, Stephen Levy,
Les Scurry, Jeff Terzo, Marion Schmidt, Pilgrim Mgt., Boris Schade,
MCT Mgt., Waxploitation, Mike Venezia, Mom, Dad & Spider.
and Howard sterm + Alice Cooper

- Infos :
- Herman Munster's Dragula
- Guitar tab
- Singles / Remixes :
- There are least 3 differents remixes of it
- Si Non Oscillas, Noli Tintinnare Mix @
- Hot Rod Herman Remix
[4:36] @
Matrix Soundtrack ,
soundtrack of Twisted Metal 4 game
- 8mins mix, Acetate, No voice mix ...
Sample : Superstition, Fear and Jealousy
- Infos :
- "SUPERBEAST" was nominated for the 2000 Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance,
Charlie Clouser was involved in Co-writing of it.
- Video
It has that johnny ringo,of japan's johnny ringo's rock and roll tv show,introducing rob,who's decked out in his prince of darkness outfit with his dreads hanging out in front.pretty intimidating looking guy.
- Available on :
- "Songs From Hellbilly Deluxe" (Promo Acetate), Geffen Records
- "Hitman Hart - Wrestling With Shadows", Nettwerk Records
- "Best Buy Presents The Ozzfest '98" (Promo Collector's 2 CD Set)
- "Kerrang! The Devil's Jukebox" (Promo CD), Free with Kerrang! 714
- Remixes / Singles :
- Superbeast - Porno Holocaust Mix @
Valentine Soundtrack
- Superbeast - Girl On a Motorcycle remix [3:51] @
End of Days Soundtrack
- Guitar tab
- Video
"I heard that the Living Dead Girl video was based on an
old movie.
If so, what movie was it?" :
"The movie would be "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"
which was made in 1919 by Robert Weine,
and starred Werner Krauss and Conrad Veidt.
i know you can find it in most video store that actually SELL videos
- and I am sure that you can find it on the net, too." -- RZ
"We filmed it three nights.
Parts are in Philadelphia, parts in Chicago
and parts in like Akron, Ohio or something. " -- RZ
- Guitar tab
- Remixes and Singles
- LDG - Subliminal Seduction Mix @
- LDG - Naked Exorcism Mix (on Singles) [4:10]
- LDG - D.O.S.E. mix (on Singles) [6:26]
Song also on the
Psycho sequel soundtrack
"Creature Core" was changed later to "Meet the Creeper"
... (w/ Danny lohner and Tommy lee)

Deluxe Edition
The new Hellbilly Deluxe: Deluxe Edition came out on Tuesday here in the
states. It was priced at about $27, which was an OK price, seeing as this is
the re-issue with the DVD with videos for every song (plus two remix
videos). I am reviewing the DVD section and booklet, because the CD is
exactly the same. When you open it, it has two seperate sides with the
Living Dead Girl painting (in Rob's "Haunted Mansion Whorehouse" room if you
saw Cribs). On the left it has the Music disc and on the right is the videos
disc, just like Past, Present and Future, except a little bigger. The CD art
is different. On the right, inside the flap is the booklet, which is 26
pages and features illustrations for every song by David Hartman (of
deviantART, has done work for Rob before). The videos, most of which you
have seen, are great. Don't be fooled by the back, "What Lurks on Channel
X?" is NOT previously unreleased, it's the SAME video you may have seen
before. Most of the videos that were previously unreleased were recorded in
1999-2000, just never released. "Demonoid Phenomenon" is UNCENSORED on this
version. "The Ballad of Ressurection Joe and Rosa Whore" is set where the
original intro for "Superbeast" was (some Japanese show). My favorite new
videos were probably Meet the Creeper and How to Make a Monster. The "Bonus
Videos" are in like a special features section of the DVD, which they are
both crap. The Living Dead Girl Remix is probably a remix on "American Made
Music...", which I never owned, but clips of this video are also in "Call of
the Zombie" (with the color inverted). Return of the Phantom Stranger
Remix's music is horrible, but the video is actually pretty funny. You'll
have to get it to see it. "Perversion 99" and "The Beginning of the End" are
both concert clips.
I give it about a 9/10, it's great, but I was kind of disappointed about
Perversion 99 and The Beginning of the End just being clips from concerts.
If you already have the album, don't get this unless you want to see the
videos. It's not a 'MUST HAVE' or anything, but I wanted it and got it.
Remember, folks, coming in March of '06 we get a new Zombie album =). Fives
on guitar though =(
- Rob Zombie : Dragula (Hot Rod Herman Remix).
- Rob Zombie : Living Dead Girl (b/w old show like tales from the crypt)
- Rob Zombie : Living Dead Girl (Psycho remake scenes)
- Rob Zombie : Superbeast (Girl On a Motorcycle remix - Japanaese show intro)
Remixes :
- All Hellbilly songs are remixed on the album "
American music to strip by
- Living dead girl (D.O.S.E. mix)
- Living dead girl (Naked Exorcism Mix) [04:21] by C. Clouser 1999
- "Living Dead Girl" ( CD Single) GED 22377, Geffen Records
- "The Hard And The Heavy" (CD), Redline Records, Koch Records
- "The Crow: Salvation - Soundtrack" (CD)
- Dragula (there must be at least 4 remixes) 8mins, no voice ...

Menu :
Remixes and singles -
Rob Zombie bio

(c) RzR
@ Zombie Land II :
Last modified: Thu Jun 15 00:43:47 CEST 2006